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        Changzhou Zhongjin Medical debuts on Nasdaq, raising funds for expansion
        Font:〖L M S

        Changzhou Zhongjin Medical Co., Ltd. officially began trading on the Nasdaq Capital Market on March 28th under the symbol "ZJYL".

        The company, which is located in Wujin West Taihu Sci-Tech Industrial Park, plans to use the funds raised from its IPO for various purposes, including research and development, marketing, and increasing production capacity. The company also aims to acquire upstream and downstream companies involved in the manufacturing of wheelchairs and living aids products, as well as for general corporate purposes.

        Established in 2006, Changzhou Zhongjin is a renowned designer and manufacturer of wheelchairs and living aids products, catering to the needs of people with disabilities, the elderly, and those recovering from injuries.



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